4 Major Benefits of Content Marketing for Businesses

We live in a world where you must adapt or get left behind.

Creating content and various forms of media to market across platforms is an essential strategy to target customers, gain valuable insights, and grow your brand.

Humanize Your Business. Developing and launching content that aligns with your business vision, values, and voice is that personal touch that people relate to. There are many appropriate ways to humanize your brand. Integrate multimedia campaigns with meaning that target specific emotions in your audience. By doing this, your brand now stands for something meaningful! You have now humanized your business to a “why” rather than a “what”.

Stay Relevant. Posting content across platforms regularly is detrimental. Inactivity is the quickest way to be forgotten. However, posting regularly brings up the question of strategy implementation? With millions of pieces of content posted daily on the internet, what differentiates you from your competitor in a meaningful way that both attracts and converts customers? Now that is the secret ;) Without giving away all of our consulting secrets, make more videos! Developing a video series is more optimal than pushing a single video because platforms like YouTube use algorithms that make it more discoverable for target audiences to find a series of videos than a single video. This is because a series simply contains more of the most important unique qualifiers* that online search engines use in indexing and perceive as being connected.

Additionally, limiting content development puts weight on a single message, focuses on ad spend, and ultimately makes your company look dull. Human connection is what keeps customers coming back, and with the concept of staying relevant, companies should be creating more content.

Increase Website Traffic. This tip is overly simplified. With more paths online directing customers to your website, you will inherently get more engagement. Just like Wayne Gretzky used to say, “you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take”. Therefore, you could be missing out on business by NOT putting yourself online more.

Cross-Promote to Boost Sales. Collaborate and partner with companies that help your brand. For example, you run a gym - partner with a supplement company or a sports equipment company. Create multimedia campaigns across platforms and run promotional deals. By doing this you are accessing multiple company's customer base. Why wouldn’t you want to double, triple, or even quadruple your reach?

There will always be moving parts in business, but you need to decide where the best return on your investment is at this time. If you don’t have access to resources, try implementing one of these 4 tips and track its success.


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